Gordon - another internet resource you might find helpful is ICQ. Even if
there were no groups on this topic per se, perhaps you could find a couple
of Icelanders to chat with. (odd coincidence -- about 2 weeks or so after
this course started, I got a random chat request on ICQ from a guy in
Iceland. His name was Oskar, but it wasn't "our" Oscar from here. Kind of
weird, tho!)
--- "G. Ross" <
gfross@...> wrote:
> Hei, Keth --
> Thanks for your reply! You mention "other places" to learn (modern)
> Icelandic. Do you mean Internet web sites? I haven't been able to find
> any that foster discussion of the modern Icelandic language or
> literature. Could you email me the URLs of these "places" that you
> spoke of? Thanks!
> Gordon
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