--- In norse_course@..., Selvarv Stigard <selvarv@...> wrote:
> All that, however, would be dependant upon an abrupt change in the
> direction of the narrative being caused by a lacuna in a previous
> version, which is not proven, just theorised to explain a difficult
> passage.
To which we might add two observations:
1. Snorri doesn't quote Hymiskviða at all.
2. It is rather unlikely that he knew it, as he
appears to be quite unfamiliar with the "cauldron
quest" myth, which forms the basic structure of
the poem.
P.S. - Hope I'm not being too inquisitive, but as
ON/Icelandic proper names are a great interest of
mine, I really *must* ask, having never seen your
name before: what is the origin of the name Selvarv?