Ok, I'll bite. What's a "lacuna"?
keth@... wrote:
> P.S. in the meantime I did some more reading about Hym 19, and
> I find confirmed that many translators think there is a lacuna
> after the words "horna tveggja". Some translators have then
> gone to Snorri's Edda, where the corresponding prose story
> gives some more details about what happened in the supposed
> lacuna. There you will find it confirmed that Thor was rowing
> with two oars, as I already suggested; he sat in the "austrr�m".
> Hymir was also rowing and sat in the "h�ls" of the boat.
> I think we could all learn something if we go into the terminology
> here and try to understand what is what. For example, who
> of Thor and Hymir was sitting forward, wnd who was sitting astern?
> Then ask which seat is usually considered "the captain's seat".
> Such answers may be relevant for the correct reading of the stanza.
> >> 20. 'Verk �ykkja ��n verri miklu
> >> kj�la valdi, an kyrr sitir."
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