From: keth@...
Message: 1085
Date: 2001-04-07
>Hi Timothy,The old Anglo-Saxon calendar is also interesting.
>This was very kind of you. You have done a lot of research and work on
>this. Thank you for sharing it with us. Since I don't know a bit of
>Russian I certainly can not find fault with your English.
>In Gods and Myths or Northern Europe, H. R. Ellis Davidson says that
> the Old winter period started around October 14th, which falls into
>the 11-17 period you mentioned.
>She also mentions that they had really onlt two main celebratory
>seasons, Winter solstice and Summer Solstice with perhaps smaller
>festivals in between those.
>Any more information on the year you can post is appreciated
>I notice that the variation amounts to exactly a week (7 days).
>- In norse_course@..., "Timothy N. T. Stridmann" <termolaev@...>
>> Oh, Alice, I am sorry. :-) But my English is not so good as I want.
>> But I'll try here to translate some part of my page...
>> Well, I wrote that old scandinavian calendar based on whole weeks,
>> but "leap weeks" were inserted in some years.
>> Next - that that winter begins in Saturday between 21 and 27 October
>> in one sources and in Saturday between 11 and 17 October in the
>> another.I don't know if these month-names were also used in Norway before
>> Below - ON names of months (some of them I took from the Snorra
>> Edda), their translation to russian and corresponding months in
>> Gregorian calendar:
>> gormánuðr - month 'gor' - oct-nov
>> frermánuðr eða ýlir - frosty month or ??? - nov-dec
>> hrútmánuðr eða mörsugr - ram month or ??? - dec-jan
>> þorri - thorri - jan-feb
>> gói - goi - feb-mar
>> einmánuðr - solitary month - mar-apr
>> gaukmánuðr ok sáðtíð eða harpa - cuckoo month and sowing time or ???
>> apr-mayI have "sól-mánaðr", but also "selmánaðr".
>> eggtíð ok stekktíð eða skerpla - egg time and calfs pasture time
>> or ??? - may-jun
>> sólmánuðr ok selmánuðr - sun month and ??? - jun-jul
>> heyannir eða ormamánuðr - haymaking or snakes month - jul-augThat is also very appropriate, since the grass is cut and dried
>> kornskurðarmánuðr eða tvímánuðr - harvest month or double month -You translated to Russian ? Help ! I couldn't be of any assistance with that.
>> sep
>> haustmánuðr - autumn month - sep-oct
>> Below - the names of days of weak, and some names relating to time.
>> And at the end - the names of some catolics and folk days...
>> Excuse me very much if I've translated something wrongly... Just
>> correct me :-)))))