Heil öll!

One of the more interesting side effects
of preaching "the Word of God" is that you
have to do it in a language people will
understand - hence the need for a lot of

The latter day saints have an interesting
archive of audio translations of such things
as their general conferences. I fancy this
could be useful, or at least interesting,
for language students.

They don't have Icelandic but they do have
Norwegian, Danish and Swedish (and Tonga and
Tagalog and Cantonese etc...)

If any of you are interested in checking it
out you can follow the link below:


Then click on the language you want to hear,
say Swedish.

Then click on


and (for example)

"170:e halvårskonferensen oktober 2000"

and try listening to the first sound file,
one hour into it. You should hear a rather
beautiful Swedish female voice. You can then
click on a transcript of what you are hearing
and try and follow it. If you go one hour into
the file you will be hearing

"Kvinnlighetens glädje".

I had a lot of fun listening to languages I
didn't know existed (where on Earth or above
is "Hmong" spoken?)

The latter day saints are always willing to help;)
You can probably get them to send you the Book of
Mormon in the language of your choice. It worked for me
(and that's just about the only free stuff I have ever
got out of the Internet).


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