This was forwarded to me to send on to the list to see if people wanted to
tackle/verify the translation.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:12:07 -0700
> From: lerk <lerk@...>
> To: valkyrie@...
> Subject: translation
> �orsteinn kva� �a� eigi �rv�nt "en �a� samir betur a� gera Geirmund eigi
> beran a� �essu. N� skulum v�r fara fullum daglei�um og vita ef v�r k�mum
> eigi s��ar vestur en hann �v� a� heim munu liggja spor hans og n� mun
> Lj�t m��ir hans bl�ta � m�t sumri sem h�n er v�n a� �eirra si� en �� mun eigi
> fram koma hefndin ef ��ur er frami� bl�ti�."
> Thorstein said that this was not unexpected, 'but it looked better not
> to show up Geirmund in this. We will travel in day-long journeys and see
> if we can make it to the west no later than Hrolleif does, because his
> footsteps must point towards home, and Ljot, his mother, will now be
> sacrificing to celebrate the beginning of summer, as is her custom in
> accordance with their faith, and there will be no revenge acheived if the
> sacrifice has already been made.'

Susan Granquist

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