Please try and compare the first page of Zoëga's
concise dictionary as stored at the following two sites:


If you have a good laser printer, you might want to take
the above two pages out on the printer as well, for the sake
of comparison.

It is clear that if you now print out the "Midnight Sun"
GIF images (the ones converted to 750 pix),
you will have a stack of paper that can already be taken
to a book-binder for binding, because it will already
be the dictionary in a crude form.

However, if you compare the quality with that of the second
site, you will see that the latter is of a quality that
is actually superior in quality to the original Oxford
University Press dictionary, as published in book form.
The only remaining problem is the proof-reading, that will
definitly not be a small job. I only hope the OCR process
works out. As I mentioned before, it takes at least an
hour per page to produce a good html version. Any one
want to try page two? (maybe better typists can get the time
per page down to less than half an hour? ;)

There are actually 3 things that slow down the process
of typing quite a bit:
1) Lots of foreign words.
2) Many difficult special characters need to be typed.
3) A lot of switching back and forth between italic,
normal and boldface.
4) Difficult punctuation, where one needs to be very
meticulous to get everything right. I have for example
taken care to put a space before all semicolons, and
never let the punctuation become italic. (which doesn't
look as nice)
5) I also took care to end all lines exactly where they
end in the original. The latter feature very much facilitates
the process of proof-reading.
