Hei List!
I'd like to report about my experiences with typing up
the dictionary. In the file area you will now find the
Zoëga dictionary <page one> uploaded. I tried to make
it look as much as possible *exactly* like the origianl
library copy. Please take a look at it, and tell me if
I was successful! (in your opinion)

As I mentioned in the other post, what I did was
to visit the library and take *paper* copies
(xerox) of the dictionary. I like better to work
with paper copies, because it gives a better physical
feel. Otherwise I'd have to use two monitors. or maybe
twist my head too much. As it is now, I can put a ruler
on the line I am typing, and that seems to work.
I then keep the sheet just to the left of my keyboard
flat on the table.

How long did it take to type up the page? That is an
important question. Well, I imagine it took close to
one and a half hours. That includes all the formating,
the setting of bold and italic text. the creation of columns,
centering the tables and aligning with the page heading,

Of course, once I get used to it, it will probably speed up
somewhat. But to get the time much below one hour a page
will be hard.

The tool I used was "Netscape Communicator" which is an
easy to use html editor. After I was done, I took a look
at the source code -- and I was surprised to see that it
was much more orderly than I had expected!

The system works and seems to produce usable code.

After it was done, I uploded the file "Zoega_page1.html"
to the file area. Then I clicked it's icon in the Yahoo.Groups
file area. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Netscape
immediatelly recognized it, and opened it as a normal html file.
But what was even more surprising, was that Yahoo allows
me to _edit_the_file_without_removing_it_from_the file_area_!!!!

That means that upgrading/correcting is the _easiest_job_
_one_can_possibly_immagine_ with the new possibilities
that _Yahoo_ is now offering. To be precise: if I click
on "edit", Yahoo shows me the html code in an editor's window.
After I am done, I simply press "save" and the whole process
is done in a matter of seconds! No more telnet, X-terminals
etc. This is a fantastic improvement in the technology of
producing and maintaining web-pages.

Haukur, if you want to put the page on your home page,
you are free to do so!

Now let us see, how this could be done: I could probably
do 10 pages this way before I am exhausted. Let's say
one or two pages each day. Then we need to take a break.
If everything works out, there will be lots of volunteers ;)

If that happens, I am willing to do 10 more pages later.
So I do a total of 20 pages. Since the whole dictionary
is 532 pages, we shall need around 26 volunteers.
Is that feasible? With 150 people ++ that is only one
out of every six. It *might* be possible. What do you think?

Best regards

PS If people wish to take the page-image GIF's out on a printer,
in order to use as basis for typing in code, it would be
better if the GIF's gave black text on white paper.
(you save your Laser cartridges that way)
instead of white letters against a black background --
the way it is now.

-- In norse_course@..., "Alfta Reginleif" <alfta_reginleif@...>
> >Do you plan to keep the.gif files online as well? I agree with
Arlie that
> >this would be beneficial. When something looks spooky in the OCRing
> >one could check the original.
> Yes, I will be doing that. It's a good idea and I'll have a link at
> bottom of each page to the original .GIF files so they can be double
> I hope those that offered to proof read are still able to do so, I
would like
> to make the text as error free as possible. I'm in the "H's" now.
> -Svanni
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