Heil öll,

Ok, now I'm back at the console in the university library, with access
to the university server, where all the course files are. That is to
say, I'm back to working on the course after a long weekend.

Three formats prevail:

.html/.htm sth you should all be able to read, which also supports
rich text features.

.txt can also be read by all (AFAIK), but does not support
rich text.

.rtf can be read by fewer (us MS slaves), but by more than
.doc, as far as I understand; looks closest to the
original lay-out, so it's the "nicest looking" format.

The new Chapter One is now available in all three formats (.htm on the
course homepage: www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/ ). I encourage all of you
to go through Chapter One, even though you have reached lesson 5 (or
sth) in the old scheme (though such advanced students should not feel
bad about just browsing it). Chapter One has a different order of
presentation, and there are various features that were never discussed
in the old lesson plan.
