From: Susan Granquist
Message: 863
Date: 2001-02-23
> I wrote:=====
> >>Quick question - do you have access to OCR (optical character recognition)
> >>software? If not, I would certainly be willing to take the TIFF files,
> run
> >>them through the OCR I have, and send them back. They would then have to
> >>be heavily edited, as OCR tends to be about 90-95% accurate in general
> >>(I've found it to be less accurate for vowels with accents and umlauts,
> >>though), but at least it's a bit easier than typing in the whole book.
> Svanni replied:
> >I do have a "light" version but it doesn't recognize icelandic characters
> so
> >it would not be much good. They would have to be proof read which I would
> >work on but I suppose that would be quicker than typing them up. The
> tiff's
> >are also two columns, how does your program do with columns?
> The software I have came with the scanner and is nothing spectacular. I've
> been searching for decent OCR software which suits at least most of my
> needs for a year or so, to no avail. If Adobe would get back to me
> regarding the OCR in Acrobat, I may end up buying that both for OCR and for
> writing PDF files, but they've been incredibly unresponsive.
> At any rate, it sounds like our software is at about the same level - on
> mine any �, � or � is recognised as "6", for example. I was offering in
> case you didn't have any, as even editing shoddy OCR output is easier than
> typing in a book.
> -Selv
> --
> Selv�rv Stig�rd
> selvarv@...
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