From: Selvarv Stigard
Message: 838
Date: 2001-02-22
>I am very pleased to let everyone know that I have been in contact with theQuick question - do you have access to OCR (optical character recognition)
>person who posted the .tiff files of Zoega's Dictionary. I have obtained
>permission to use the files and work on getting them up in HTML files and
>post them at my site. What I'll do is first convert them to .gif files which
>can be displayed in any browser then work on getting them indexed and posted
>at my site. Then I'll work on typing up the dictionary and presenting it in
>HTML so that it can be easily accessed and the downloaded fast. I'll have
>this posted at our site ASAP and let you all know when it is ready. He still
>has some pages to scan and right now the dictionary goes up to the word
>"silfr." He did say that since we (myself and other members of my
>organization) will be working to transcribe the dictionary that he would try
>to get the rest of the pages available as soon as he could.