ARRGH!! me and my big mouth :{} OK...I'll try
(ponder, ponder, ponder)
--- In norse_course@..., falconsword@... wrote:
> More kenning questions for you:)
> From the Brávallarímur by Árni
> Böðvarsson (18th century):
> Ilja kvistar Örvandils
> ilmar dyggðum sunna hyls.
> The Sunna of Örvandill's
> deep-water-sole-twig smells
> pleasant with virtues.
> 1. Who is Örvandill?
> 2. What is a sole-twig?
> 3. What is Örvandill's sole-twig?
> 4. What is an Örvandill's sole twig of deep water?
> 5. What is a Sunna of all that?
> Now, come on, send in the answer!
> Regards,
> Haukur