From: falconsword@...
Message: 800
Date: 2001-02-18
> From Bólu-Hjálmar's1. Odin.
> Göngu-Hrólfs rímur
> (46. stanza of 18. rhyme)
> Geyst svo halur glæddi þar
> gneistann sala Hárs borgar,
> þrjár sem Baleygs blóðrauðar
> bliki halastjörnurnar.
> [There is a terrible mistake
> in the ring-rhyme.]
> The man did so quickly kindle
> the spark of the halls of Hár's fortress
> that it was as if there were three
> blood-red tail-stars of Báleygr glittering.
> 1. Who is Hár?
> 2. What is his fortress?
> 3. What is the spark of his fortress?
> 4. Who is Baleygr?4. Odin.
> 5. What is a tail-star?
> 6. What is Baleygr's tail-star?