> * "skyldr" as an adjective means 'related'. In ON, there is no
> adjective to mean 'right' as the word does above, i.e. "saying
> something correct". "Réttr" means 'correct', but only the fact can be
> correct, not its presenter. The English usage of the word is rather
> idiomatic, and not to be expected to work in other languages. The
> usual phrase for this meaning is "at hafa rétt fyrir sér"; so you'd
> say, in the context above, "En þú hefir rétt fyrir þér,"

I don't know if that is idiomatic Old Icelandic;
I think they would have said something like:

"Rétt er það mælt!" - That is correctly spoken.


"Rétt mælir þú!" - You speak correctly.


[Knífr í bak, Óskarr:]

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