Hail Hawk!
you wrote:
> Reading comics is a good way to learn languages.
> I learnt Danish from reading Donald Duck in that
> language.
> I suppose you can learn Icelandic from reading
> comics - but which to choose?
> The Danish Valhalla comics are probably the
> most interesting.

I have those! At least most of them - am not sure
if I read all - maybe I missed one or two.
btw - they are also a great way to learn the Norse
myths! I also like the way Madsen has chosen faces
for the gods: Thor is strong and redhaired. Odin is
tall and grey - aristocratic. Freya is sexy - like
Marylin Monroe.(maybe) And Loki is darkhaired with
a neatly trimmed beard.

> They look like this (from a list of Finnish
> translations):
> http://www.helsinki.fi/~lakoma/comics/valhalla.html
> I think the Icelandic translations can be ordered
> from:
> http://www.malogmenning.is
I'll have to try and look for the Icelandic versions.
Why not write some of the dialogue to the list?
That would be fun!

Best regards

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