The Faroese have an almost infinite amount
of epic poetry which is sung while everyone
dances in circles:)

The most famous of their poetry cycles is
the one that tells their version of the story
of Sigurðr, slayer of Fáfnir. The refrain goes
like this:

Grani bar gullið av heiði.
Brá hann sínum brandi av reiði,
Sjúrður vann av orminum.
Grani bar gullið av heiði.

Everyone should recognise "brandi"
and "orminum":)

gullið -> gullit
av -> af
Sjúrður -> Sigurðr

Grani carried the gold from the heath.
He drew his sword in anger,
Sjúrður defeated the serpent.
Grani carried the gold from the heath.

To get an idea how this is sung (if that's
the right word) you can check out this page:

When you see:

"Her har du et eksempel fra plata:
Fruntatáttur [RA]"

Click on the RA-sign to download a

I have never read this particular poem
and I don't have the text to it.

The first sentence is something like

Eina so vildi eg vísuna kvöða...

I would like to sing a poem...

If any of you bother to listen then
let me know what you think:)


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