Heill Oskar!
>Sig file? Not sure what that is...
A sig file is a fixed signature that is automatically attached to the
bottom of an email message. I've seen that on many mailing lists
Some use a poem. (sumir hafa kvæði, aðrir spakmæli) Others use some slogan,
or email address, fax number etc..
There is a place in egroups where the moderator can enter such a fixed
message string.
(it's still working on old lists that came from egroups. I think it is
still in yahoogroups, because almost everything was carried over unchanged)
>The old e-groups had a Links section, where the link to the homepage
>was. When introducing our course, I've always tried to present just
>the link to the homepage, because this list is advertised there
>anyway. I simply believed everybody was familiar with, and probably
>using mainly, the homepage.
I've seen Haukur's web page before. But sometimes it is hard to remember
all the various URL's. That's why it would be a good idea to have it
at the bottom of each email.
>But I don't see how it would be a problem for you to use the page
>instead of this group, in spite of all phone bills... you can just as
>well go to the page, select the lesson or article that you want to
>see, and then disconnect when its been loaded. Then you can save it
>as a text file, make it available off-line, or copy-paste it over to
>your word processor. In any case, it's worth it, and will only cost
>you a minute on-line; you can even save $ (kr.) by saving multiple
>lessons and articles in one go.
Netscape is a much bigger application, and is often very very slow,
(bottleneck effect)
email programs are much smaller applications in terms of
megabytes, and also download files much faster, because all the mail is
coming from a server near you.
>> Maybe the address is already in the file area of yahoo groups?
>> <http://www.haskolan.is/~haukurt/norse_course> didn't work.
>I hope that wasn't the URL I gave you... :þ "www.haskolan.is" should
No, that is just one example of what I tried.
Of course it was wrong. haukurt is also written "haukurth".
Details like that are hard to remember :)
>have been "www.hi.is" Actually, I can't believe I gave you that,
>because "haskolan" is just spinach; "haskolinn" would have been a
okay --> learning never ends!
Let me see: ein skole, der Schule etc.. should be masc.
skóla? skólur? skóli? ! That's it.. skóli m. !!!!
And that of course gives "skólinn!" (determined form: THE school)
>likelier mistake, but still not. And not "/norse_course",
>just "/norse". I'm sure I didn't write that, hate to accuse you of
>misreading :)
Right. I didn't expect to forget Haukur's web address.
And so I had no notes.
(norse_course / norse / course / ON_course etc.. )
and "hi" means "háskolinn íslands"? If it does, I shan't forget it again ;)
PS Ideally speaking, all you should have to remember is your
yahoo login. The rest should all be on the page. Then you can
access norse_corse from anywhere! From the bottom of the ocean,
to the top of the highest mountain. (where the Japanese are
now building their email cafees)