--- In norse_course@..., keth@... wrote:
> Heill Óskar!
> Might it be an idea to make a sig file for the listmail, that
> gives the URL for Hauk's home page?

Sig file? Not sure what that is...

The old e-groups had a Links section, where the link to the homepage
was. When introducing our course, I've always tried to present just
the link to the homepage, because this list is advertised there
anyway. I simply believed everybody was familiar with, and probably
using mainly, the homepage.

But I don't see how it would be a problem for you to use the page
instead of this group, in spite of all phone bills... you can just as
well go to the page, select the lesson or article that you want to
see, and then disconnect when its been loaded. Then you can save it
as a text file, make it available off-line, or copy-paste it over to
your word processor. In any case, it's worth it, and will only cost
you a minute on-line; you can even save $ (kr.) by saving multiple
lessons and articles in one go.

> Maybe the address is already in the file area of yahoo groups?
> <http://www.haskolan.is/~haukurt/norse_course> didn't work.

I hope that wasn't the URL I gave you... :þ "www.haskolan.is" should
have been "www.hi.is" Actually, I can't believe I gave you that,
because "haskolan" is just spinach; "haskolinn" would have been a
likelier mistake, but still not. And not "/norse_course",
just "/norse". I'm sure I didn't write that, hate to accuse you of
misreading :)
