Hi Alice!
I'll have to know what kind of a computer you have in order to go
into details. To me it looks like you wrote your message from
a yahoo web page, but I can't see what kind of computer you
are using, nor what your software is.

If you have a PC running Windows, you should however be able to
transmit the "thorn" by using the codes 222 and 254. 222 then gives
the upper case thorn, and 254 the lower case.
1) press down <Alt> key.
2) keep it pressed down.
3) type on the numeric keypad to the right of your keyboard
(while still holding the <Alt> key pressed down) the 4
numbers 0 2 2 2 in sequence.
4) release the <Alt> key that you have been holding down
all through the processes 2) and 3).
5) now your editor should dispay a "thorn" where you have your cursor.

That's the best I can do for now. Hope that helps!

>Thank you Keth and Robert for your input on the codes for making
>Icelandic characters. I can make them all work for me now except for
>"thorn". Any more suggestions on that one? PLease keep in mind that I
>know very little about computers other than a glorified typewriter so
>I don't mind if you have to "spell" it all out for me in simple terms.
>I won't be offended. PLus I imagine Haukur and Oskar will be grateful
>that they won't have to try and figure out what the heck I'm trying to
>say on my lessons. I am typing my lessons in Microsoft Word and I have
>Office 2000, if that helps.

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