I have looked at your wonderful cartoons!
I have also surfed the homepage a couple of times,
but I generally have to stay "online" when using the browser,
and the huge phhonebills cause me to read in a hurried fashion.
Taking things out on a printer is also something I am hesitant to
do, since things like that tend to pile up. ASCII files are
actually the best thing ever invented, because they can be
used on all computers, and printed on all printers.
I therefore prefer email, because that is plain ascii
(smpt protocol, 7bit or QP).
I think I also received a couple of lessons by email!
(ascii also lets you format things nicely in columns,
provided you use the coourier font).
with email you just download the mail, taking only 5 minutes,
and then the modem gets turned off, done!
I also read some of your lessons in the file area
of egroups (now yahoogroups). For people who read the list
messages on-line, the groups file area are readily available.
But for me here and now, email and webbrowsing are two
entirely different programs/applications.
Salutem dicit
Yes, I have read the lessons.
But I need to reread them, and do some of the translations.
The point is, however, that there is no lack of ON texbooks etc.
Neither is there a lack of excercises available. The whole point
about the internet must be its interactive nature. Ek hygg þess
vegna at ver myndum byrja at skrifa hitt gamla málit primo quoque tempore!