From: robert blank
Message: 557
Date: 2001-01-29
> For the past month or so it has felt very much
> like we are writing this course for an audience
> of two or three people. No-one, safe for our two
> proof-readers (one of which has now quit her
> unthankful
> job;) has actually submitted a single solution to
> anything for a very long time.
> This is certainly not encouraging.
> I would even say that it was very disappointing.
> 1. How are we to know where the course works and
> where it should be improved if we don't get any
> questions or sample solutions?
> 2. Why on Earth should we bother to write the course
> if no-one is going to use it?
> Perhaps this web format isn't all that brilliant.
> Would you be interested in a CD?
> Regards,
> Haukur
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