At 19:28 26.1.2001 EST, you wrote:

> Those who want to go to the
>bookstore or library and pick up a copy of "Icelandic for Beginners" are
> For me, I already have a course on the language I want to
> If, someday in the future, I
>find that my studies have enabled me to read novels in Modern Icelandic,
>if I have a desire to do so, then I'll indeed be fortunate, but in the
>meantime I don't care.

I have no idea whatsoever what this student is trying to
tell us, and how it is possibly relevant to my attempt
to show that ON = OI, using the first paragraph of Njála.

Tim, - you seem to be interpreting my words (and the examples
I gave) according to a world of your own. Can you enlighten me (us)?
How can you accept that these are two different languages:

Old: Mörðr hét maðr er kallaðr var gígja; hann var sonr
Mod: Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja; hann var sonur
