From: Arlie Stephens
Message: 510
Date: 2001-01-26
> Arlie reit:Eek! Not even mine, if I remember right ... that wasn't one I proofread.
> > I'm curious how many are actually sending solutions, and why they
> are not.
> Nobody has sent us any solutions since sometime Christmas. No
> solutions to lesson 4 have reached us.
> Eysteinn reit:Does this mean I should try writing some Elizabethan English, and posting
> >While looking for an analogy for Old Norse/Modern Icelandic I was
> actually tempted to say "Shakespeare English/Modern English. I didn't
> dare, because I feared that our teachers would say: "Við Haukr munum
> vega Eystein. Eysteinn er feigr. Vega munum við hann." These guys are
> lethal! (... and will spot the NON-FATAL error in this sentence, to be
> sure, as you will, as well ...)
> :) "ViT Haukr gefum þér eigi grið, Eysteinn!" segja menninir.
> Eysteinn flýr, ok siglir í bátinum ór váginum. "Óskarr ok Haukr eru
> vargar." segir hann, reiðr mjök. :þ
> The only comment I might have to such an analogy is: "It should be
> Old ICELANDIC/Modern Icelandic, not Old Norse/MI. But I don't know
> how different Shakespearish was from modern speech."
> ***Compliment appreciated! Though I also have the advantage that while I started
> Tim reit (Hauki):
> > Do you need another proofreader? If so, I'll volunteer.
> Don't worry. But actually, if you're not "too smart" (:þ), you might
> be useful. You see, our current proofreaders have it too easy
> understanding everything, so somebody "really thick" (!) would be
> quite useful :)