From: Tim Hansen
Message: 290
Date: 2000-12-07
----- Original Message -----
From: <keth@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Question reg. hún
Stilkam wrote:
>I have a question, perhaps it's just something I've overlooked.
>In lesson two the Nominative Personal Pronoun Singular is 'hún' in the
>female version.
>But in lesson one you worte 'hon'
>Which is the form we are supposed to use? Is it hún as in the "lesson
>two mixup.txt"?
I'd say it depends on what dictionary you use.
(as German you ought to use Walter Beatkes,Wwörterbuch
der altnordischen Prosasprache, Akademi Verlag.
It is excellent, although some words are missing.
But for things like this, it should give excellent guidance
as to the proper spelling --- normalized spelling)
My own dictionary give "hon" as the main form,
but states that "hun" is equally well allowed.
It states: "hon" pron. (hennar, henni, hana) = she
The spelling "hún" (long u) does however seem to be
modern Icelandic, that differs somewhat from Old Norse
in its spelling -- which should not surprise, considering
that almost a thousand years have passed, Icelandic ortography
has kept remarkably stable.
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