From: Deep Stream
Message: 267
Date: 2000-12-07
> Hi!=====
> > But the form Loki uses is "vit tvau" which
> means (as shown above)
> > "we two - a man and a woman". So Loki is
> jokingly suggesting either
> > he himself is a woman or ��rr is.
> OT: Very interesting. In this case I am sure
> Loki refers to Thor, as he is
> dressed as Freya. And he is known for that kind
> of jokes :-)
> But we also know Loki in a feminin form. In the
> time he took Swadilfari to
> make him pregnant.
> Meldric
> ______________________________________________
> And never forget that help may come
> From the most unlikely of quarters
> And success rest upon the shoulders
> Of those kept shadowed until the time of need.
> -- The Remembrance (Clan Wolf), 222/6,11-14
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