--- In
norse_course@egroups.com, Twm Ffresiar <maboniii@...> wrote:
> I understand just about everything else, but one thing
> that leaves me hanging a little is the declension of
> nouns.
> You explained the declension of pronouns easy enough,
> there are a limited amount of them, but as to nouns,
> how do you know whether to place the (in this lesson)
> 'r' after the noun?
Hmm...in that case you need to go back through lesson 1. The -r ending
is what the lesson is all about. Advancing to lesson 2 is not possible
without understanding this feature.
Most masculine nouns (which are the only nouns lesson 1 uses) add an
-r if they're the subject in the sentence; the word order is
irrelevant for this purpose, unlike in English. Example:
álfr sér orm an elf sees a worm
álf sér ormr a worm sees an elf
ormr sér álf a worm sees an elf
orm sér álfr an elf sees a worm
Thus there is no need to concern oneself too much with the order in
which the nouns appear; the -r ending and the lack of it simply
indicate which word executes the verb and which one is executed upon.