I think we would be free to make a yahoo room of
our own devising. I leave it to the instructor to
try this or delegate it:

A everbody needs to do this:

A1 Goto chat.yahoo.com

A2 Create an identity if necessary

B The Delegate further needs to

B1 Let us know room name will be used(created in
B2.2 below) and a time to to sign on

B2 Later (shortly before the time named in B1
above) the delegate:

B2.1 Signs onto any chat room noted on the page
(doesn't matter which)

B2.2 When signed on, clicks "create chat room"

B2.3 Specifies name of private room (same as in
B1 above) with voice chat enabled

B2.4 waits for participants

C Then participants:

C1 sign onto chat.yahoo at the time noted in B1

C2 Sign onto any chat room noted on the page
(doesn't matter which)

C3 At the chat prompt, type /join [name of chat
room communicated in B1 above]

C4 start to chatter

--- Haukur Thorgeirsson <falconsword@...>
> Tom wrote:
> > Maybe those of us with microphones should
> meet on
> > yahoo chat some night in an Old Norse room
> and go
> > through the pronunciation? (Mics are cheap so
> go out
> > and buy one!)....just a suggestion.
> Interesting idea, Tom. How easy is this to
> arrange? Are there lag problems? Do we need
> to download special software?
> Regards,
> Haukur

Kindest Regards,
- DeepStream
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