From: ladamenrouge.ladamenrouge
Message: 71876
Date: 2016-12-31
Esus teonyme etymology = sacrificial god ?
The Etruscian can contaminated Latin band Italic languages, but difficulty with other Indo European languages
and no links in neo celtic language
Esus Gaulish = Old *Aisu-s > Aesu-s (see Eduens > Aeduii)
Indo-European H2ēis- (?) to honour
? Germanic : *Aistan (to honour/to respect). Gotic Aistan (fear/fright/respect). Old Saxon Êra
(gift/honour/favour). Anglo-saxon Ārian (to save/honour). Old English
Ār (dignity/glory/favour/forgivness/respect) > Middle English
Are/Ore (favour/forgivness/honour). Old Hight Germain Ēra/Ēren >
Germain Ehre (honour/glory). Old Frisien Ēre/Eer (religious cult).
Deutsh Eer (honour). Old Norse Eir (help/assistance/ Deity name to
connect with medicine) and Eira (to save)
Latin *Aisu > *Aesu
> *Aeru > Erus/Herus (lord of slave/teacher/professeur/sovereing).? Latin . Marrucin Aisos (god). Marse Esos. Ombrien *Ais-ōno- > Esunu (divine/ritual/sacred/sacrifice), Ri esuna = Rēs dīvīna (religious matter). Osque Aisusis (sacrifices). Pélignien Aisis/Aisos (god).Vénète Aisu (god). Volsque *Aisaristrom > Esaristrom (sacrifice/temple).
Proto-Grec (Étéo-chypriote) *Aisona > A-so-na (offering religious).
? Hittite Ishā (lord) et Ishassara (she-lord). Armenian Išxan/Išxel (to
rule). Sanskrit Īḍ-/Īḍé (i beg/implore/louange/praise)
Armenian Ays (bad spirit/devil)