Re: dive (was Re: Sos-)

From: oalexandre
Message: 71695
Date: 2014-02-17

> > As for Gmc. *xWi:taz 'white', Skt. _s'vindate_ 'shines' shows that the
> > root in question can be *k^weid-.
> Only if you practise an extreme form of cherry-picking. In fact, Sanskrit very strongly supports *k^weit-.
Actually, we've got *both* *k^wei-t- and *k^wei-d-, as well as the related "roots"  *koi-t- and *ghʷwai-, whose ultimate source can be traced to Caucasian *?Vqqʷo-ji- 'white, light, blueish', a derivative of *=eqqwA 'yellow'.