Re: Meaning and analysis of *Dye:us

From: dgkilday57
Message: 71683
Date: 2014-02-04

---In, <josimo70@...> wrote:

Thanks for the responde. Could this suffix *-yeu- be the same in Wind god Va:yu?



DGK:  It seems plausible to me.  However, the chiasmus in gradation between presumed *di-jeu- and *h2weh1-ju-, which would underlie Skt. _Va:yú-_, must be explained.  Presumably the zero-grade *-ju- had the same passive force as the extended *-jug- reflected in Grk. _ázux_ 'unyoked, unmarried', Lat. _conjux_ 'spouse' (later _conjunx_ after the nasal present _jungo:_).  Then *h2weh1-ju- was literally 'joined to the wind', referring to a deity inseparable from the wind.  This passive formation contrasts with the active *di-jeu-.


Em Terça-feira, 28 de Janeiro de 2014 3:05, "dgkilday57@..." <dgkilday57@...> escreveu:

---In, <josimo70@...> wrote:

What would be the original meaning of *Dye:us? How this noun is formed?
Could it be analysed as *dye:u-, *dyeh1u-, *dyeh1-u?, dye-h1u ?
How if *dye:u- < *dyeh1u- <*dyeh1-yu, through dissimilation?

A form *dyeh1-yu would be analogous to *h2we1-yu, cf. Sanskrit Va:yu, the Wind God.

DGK:  No laryngeal is necessary if we follow the explanation of the long vowel given by Sihler (New Comp. Gr. of Grk. & Lat. §§324-7).  In his treatment, the PIE acc. *djéum regularly became *djé:m (whence Skt. _dyá:m_, Old Lat. *die:m, Old Grk. _Zên_, in Homer and Hesiod only verse-final with a subsequent vowel, as though it were Class. Grk. _Zêna_ elided).  This is parallel to the acc. *gWóum 'head of cattle' becoming *gWó:m, with both acc. forms acting back on the nom. *djéus, *gWóus to yield *djé:us, *gWó:us.  The long diphthongs are preserved in the Skt. nom. *dyáus, *gáus but underwent Osthoff's shortening outside Indo-Iranian (with the possible exception of _Ze:us_ in an inscription of Thera, but this is more likely a carver's error, eta from the acc. inadvertently replacing epsilon).
An alternative to the usual view that *djé:us comes from a /w/-extension of PIE *dei- (Pokorny, IEW 184) or simply from *deiw- 'to shine' (Watkins, AHD App.) is that it is an active root-noun compounded from *dei- (regularly in the zero-grade) and the simplex *jeu- 'to join, connect' (cf. *jeu-, *jeu@-, *jeug- 'verbinden', IEW 508, and Sihler's comments on nasal-present infixation, NCG §453).  The protoform would be *di-jeu- 'light-joiner, one who connects the world with light, illuminator of the world'.
[snipped for brevity]

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