More printed materials for IE-ists - most of them are books, there are some
articles as well. Some of them are rather old, but "classical" and still useful
to some degree. (some titles below may be a little inaccurate, sorry for
General IE linguistics
Beekes - Comparative IE linguistics
Brügger - IE linguistics
Clackson - IE linguistics
Dolgopolsky - IE homeland
Mallory - In search of the IE-ans
Mallory, Adams - Oxford intro to ProtoIE and ProtoIE world
Friedrich - PIE Trees
Martinez - Los numerales indoeuropeos (in Spanish)
[BTW. There is another "bible" on IE numerals by Jadranka Gvozdanoviæ. Some
pages of it were accessible through Google Books. But I'd like to see the full
version. Could anyone help? I am also searching for another book of Gvozdanoviæ,
"Celtic and Slavic and the Great Migrations: Reconstructing Linguistic
Prehistory." Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009]
[As for me, Barrack's argumentation is strong enough to kill the glottalic
hypothesis ultimately. And also to kill Bomhard's glottalic approach to
Nostratic. These are my personal thoughts of course]
Sihler - New comparative grammar of Greek and Latin
Hoffner, Melchert - A grammar of the Hittite language
Italic & Romance
Leschber - Latin tree names and the European substratum
Bla¾ek - Gothic loans in Romance
[@jacques_de_molay1314, I do not have Hispano-gotisches Namenbuch, sorry. I
only have this one. Perhaps it will be useful for you or someone else]
Corominas, Pascual - Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico
Ball, Müller - Celtic languages
MacAulay - Celtic languages
Dottin - La langue Galoise
MacBain - Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language
Auwera - Germanic languages
Harbert - Germanic languages
Helgason - Preaspiration in Nordic
Klein - Etymological Dictionary of English
Kluge - Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (this is an OCR-ed
version, so it is searchable but may be inaccurate)
Lehmann - A grammar of Proto-Germanic
Mailhammer - The Germanic strong verbs
(thorough analysis and interesting conclusions)
Ringe - From PIE to Proto-Germanic (this is the volume 1 of "A Linguistic
History of English")
Frisk - Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch
Comrie - Slavonic languages
Sussex - Slavic languages
Dybo - Balto-Slavic accentology and Winter's Law
Kortlandt - Winter's Law again
Olander - Balto-Slavic accentual mobility
Matasoviæ - Substratum in Slavic
Fraenkel - Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch
Smoczyñski - S³ownik etymologiczny jêzyka litewskiego / Lietuvių kalbos
etimologinis ¾odynas (an etymological dictionary of Lithuanian, in Polish, the
main part, index and two addenda)
Vasmer - Etymological dictionary of Russian, in Russian (4 vol.,
Machek - Etymologicky slovnik jazyka èeskeho (A Czech etym. dict. in Czech,
Miklosich - Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen Sprachen (1886)
Schuster-©ewc - Historisch-etymologisches Wörterbuch der ober- und
niedersorbischen Sprache