Re: Portuguese, Spanish bode "buck"

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 71163
Date: 2013-04-03

At 6:55:33 PM on Tuesday, April 2, 2013,
Bhrihskwobhloukstroy wrote:

> In the model where Hunter-Gatherers, Agriculturalists and
> Kurgan Pastoralists are all PIE-speaking, everything is
> easy,

Not if it requires a unified PIE dispersed over a very large
geographical area.

> no real natural or social law or trend is contradicted and
> Comparative-Reconstructive Linguistics works at best, but
> the unfair reactions I've been experiencing since decades
> indicate that Linguists are mostly in love with a
> Western-like Colonialist model and, beside that, the
> majority of them more or less consciously hate PIE.

That last statement is untestable (and in my opinion utter
rubbish as anything but an expression of frustration).

> I love discussing, but it's more than evident that any
> discussion is useless

You surely weren't expecting useful discussion from Tavi,
were you? He doesn't want to do linguistics: he wants to
make grand, sweeping claims about prehistory, which he then
'supports' with pre-scientific pseudo-linguistics.
