Bull and horse, migrations bos indicus and equus sivalensis into Ancient Near East
December 6, 2012
Bull and horse are two domesticated animals mentioned in the early text of Rigveda and evidenced in Indo-European language studies. Study of the migrations of these two animals may yield a pointer to the possible migrations of peoples ca. 3rd millennium BCE into Ancient Near East, thus providing clues to unravel the chronologies of ancient history.
A seal with Indus script. vŕ̊ṣan -- ʻ strong, great ʼ, m. ʻ male, bull ʼ RV. [√vr̥ṣ?] वृषः 1 A bull; असंपदस्तस्य वृषेण गच्छतः Ku.5.8; Me.54; R.2.35; Ms.9.123. -2 The sign Taurus of the zodiac. -3 The chief or best of a class, the best of its kind; (often at the end of comp.); मुनिवृषः, कपिवृषः &c. -इन्द्रः an excellent bull. -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of Śiva; येन बाणमसृजद्वृषध्वजः R.11.44. -2 an epithet of Gaṇeśa. -पतिः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 a bull set at liberty. वृषण a. 1 Sprinkling, fertilizing. -2 Strong, stout. -णः 1 The scrotum, the bag containing the testicles M. vaśẽḍ, oś°, vaśĩḍ, °śãḍ, vasãḍ, osãḍ(ẽ) n. ʻ bullock's hump ʼ.(CDIAL 12084). vr̥ṣabhá ʻ powerful ʼ, m. ʻ lord, male, bull ʼ RV. Pa. vasabha -- m. ʻ bull ʼ, Pk. vasaha -- ,
vis°, vus° m.; N. basāhā ʻ bull not used for ploughing ʼ; Bi. basahā ʻ bull bought by religious mendicants ʼ; Mth. basahʻ bull ʼ, Bhoj. basahā, OAw. basaha, H. basah m.; M. vasū m. ʻ bull calf, bull branded and set at liberty ʼ, vaśẽ, ośẽ n. ʻ bullock's hump ʼ; -- Si. vähäp ʻ ox, steer ʼ (EGS 162) ← Pa. -- X ukṣán -- q.v. (CDIAL 12085) ऋषभः [ऋष्-अभक्; Uṇ 3.123] 1 A bull. -2 (With names of other animals) the male animal, as अजर्षभः a goat. -3 The best or most excellent (as the last member of a comp.); as पुरुषर्षभः, भरतर्षभः &c. -4 The second of the seven notes of the gamut; (said to be uttered by cows; गावस्त्वृषभभाषिणः); श्रुतिसमधिकमुच्चैः पञ्चमं पीडयन्तः सततमृषभहीनं भिन्नकीकृत्य षड्जम्
Śi.11.1; ऋषभो$त्र गीयत इति Āryā S.141 ऋषभतरः A small or young bull.
Archaeological and genetic studies are summarized in Section 1. Bull and Section 2. Horse:
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