Re: Bart

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 69819
Date: 2012-06-14

W dniu 2012-06-14 11:54, Alx pisze:

> Well, there are stories as you said but in this case we speak about
> someone as Strabon and I doubt his mentions is to be compared with
> some stories of some basques soldiers, don't you think ?

Alex, appealing to the authority of the Ancients is not a valid
argument. The study of the languages of the _barbaroi_ was precisely
what the Greeks were no good at. For example, Herodotus made amazingly
ignorant commnents about Old Persian -- the sort of stuff that is
totally at odds with what we know today. Who shall we believe? The
Father of History, who was born in a city controlled by the Achaemenid
Empire and personally visited many places where Old Persian was spoken,
or modern linguists who can "only" study the fossils of the language?
