Re: Why the Proto-Indoeuropean numerals are not motivated within IE?

From: piervantrink
Message: 69688
Date: 2012-05-26

Hello and thank you for your answer
The problem with Altaic, IE connection is that Altaic folks are linked to the Asian type whereas IE folks are linked to the Eurasian type, thus I think that the similarities between the 2 is not genetical but a result of sprachbund and/or superstratum and/or borrowing

We have historical account of Scythians tribesmen wandering in the Central-Asian steppes as far east as eastern Mongolia (and those Scythians are the origin of many Iranic words (and even theonyms such as tengri[indo-iranic druga, Scythian?? denger] and ormozd[from ahuramazda]) as well as Iranic grammatical and structural characteristics in Mongolic and Altaic languages (remember the case of some French based creoles which use a predominantly autochtonous lexicon but built upon French grammar, structure and conjugation) SO IT WILL NOT BE SURPRISING if there were earlier (than Scythians) wandering IE tribes that were responsible of the lexical and structural similarities between IE and Altaic!

We have examples of "hight technology" societies wich "impose" many lexical (even basic -not cultural-words) as well as complex structural and grammatical items upon "low technology" societies (for example French and Haitian though originally French and Haitian folks are not genetically as close as the connection between French people and other IE peoples)

If we look at the Altaic stems, most of them are mono or biconsonantal stems (without the properties o ablaut and inflection) and many of those stems are in reality onomatopeic ones and perhaps before the IE sprachbund on Altaic, the grammar of Altaic was of the creole type (i.e without endings=> je manger, tu manger, il manger, nous manger, vous manger, ils manger/bi yi [yi=to eat and perhaps originally "yi" was a rendition of the sound of a baby wanting food from his mother] yi [perhaps there was a single pronoun in Altaic wich is bi=me while all the other pronouns were borrowed later from IE,i.e originally there was a basic dichotomy me/others] yi yi yi yi)

Best Regards