Re: Models and PIE reconstruction [was: Ligurian]

From: Tavi
Message: 69544
Date: 2012-05-08

--- In, caerwynjllewellyn@... wrote:
> I've also heard speculation that there is a Semitic connection with
Basque. Is this true?
Of course not. As Basque is "officially" an isolate, there have been
many attempts to relate to almost every conceivable language (family),
although few of them have been serious. Circa 1970, the Polish
geographer Bogdan Zaborski included Basque, Burushaski (also an isolate)
and Caucasian languages in an "Asianitic" group. Around 1990, John
Bengtson proposed a Macro-Caucasian/Vasco-Caucasian including Basque,
Burushaski and North Caucasian (NWC+NWC) and being part of a larger
Sino-Caucasian/Dene-Caucasian phylum.