Semitic Kartvlian Indo-Europeandeep-level interconnection?-numerals

From: piervantrink
Message: 69300
Date: 2012-04-11

I am a sympathizer of the out of Anatolia hypthesis (the Vyacheslav Ivanonv -Gamkrelidze version) that seems to be strengthened lately by genetical and archeological evidences (see dienekes pontikos blog) and I think that the hassuna-halaf culture wich is the home of the oldest (5500 BC) Swastika was an Indo-European culture

Contrary to what most people thinks, the IE languages expanded by natural farmer colonization

I also think that IE-Kartvelian-Semitic are connected at a very deep level, the 3 being apophonic, inflective languages with glottals and pharyngeals

According to doctor Koenrad Elst
"Semitic (and by implication also the Chadic, Kushitic and Hamitic branches of the Afro-Asiatic family, assumed to be the result of a pre-4th-millennium immigration of early agriculturists from West Asia into North Africa) is suspected to spring from a common ancestor with IE, even by scholars skeptical of Nostratic adventures. The commonality of some elementary lexical items is striking, and includes the numerals 6 and 7 (Hebrew shisha, shiva, Arabic sitta, sab'a, conceivably borrowed at the time when counting was extended beyond the fingers of a single hand for the first time), arguably even all the first seven numerals."

Here proposed(personal)lislakh numbers;1,4&9 will be not included since Anatolian branch lacks a pie cognate for 4,9[=new number?? for the pregnancy's possible 9 months taboo]and 1(whose pie derived most likely from a mere indefinite article):

[Taking into account the sound changes k<=>s and r<=>l which are present inside(even)the ie branch let alone pie let alone indo-hittite let alone lislakh and let alone phonetical cresolisation].

2pie dwa,twa/ps tin(=twin)
3pie tri/ps thal,tsal
5pie panca/ps hams but we have kappa(fist)by metathesis
6no need to further comment
7same as 6
8pie okto(Slavic vosem)/ps tam[final an is most likely a plural/dual suffixe]
10pie des/ps as(r is most likely a suffix and the pie d reappears in 11=>19)
Also please note that we have slavic jedin for 1,ps=had,and ps for 4=arb(season) could be,although with difficulty,interpreted as the metathesis with the very rare(but possible if there was an intrinsic labio-velar as in ps araba,arbwa<=>pie rotha[wheel])bw<=>t,d sound change of pie twor.

Etymologie des nombres:
Il est interessant que les nombres 6&7 ont des valeurs phonetiques similaires dans tout les familles linguistiques originaires ou en contact avec le moyen orient(Kartvel,Basque,Hurri,indo-europeen,afro-asiatique,uralique,eskimo....).
On sait que dans la tradition semite dieu a cree le monde en six jours et s'est repose le septieme jour.
Sept en français,sebe en babylonien,shabta en hebreux,hepta en grec,seven en anglais,haft en persan ... sont tous connectes a la meme racine lislakh/nostratique/"noahtique".
Mais seuluement en Semitique,ces nombres ont une etymologie,par exemple le nombre 2 en langues indo-europeenes(dwa du hindi,two de l'anglais)descend ou est connecte au semitique taw qui veut dire jumeau(twin en anglais dhidhime en grec tawam en arabe toma[qui a donne le nom thomas]en Arammeen).
De meme 7 vien de sab qui veut dire l'indexe(etant le 7 eme doigt),arabe sabbaba,geez shebbot....

Comme vous savez snow anglais,neve italien,neige français descendent de la meme proto racine irano-hittite sneg qui a son tour est apparentee a la racine semitique salng(l nasal)qui elle aussi veut dire neige(arabe thaldj,ancien arabe salg,akkadien tsalgu,hebreux selg...)
Ce qui est interessant est que:
En connection semantico-phonetique avec sang,on a zalg(glisser)en semitique et sleg(glisser en indo-europeen)et aussi gald(gel,froid)en semitique et gwold(gel,froid)en indo-europeen.
Cette connection semantico-phoneticale est presente dans presque la totalite des racines indo-europeenes et nord afro-asiatiques.
Par exemple,asfur(oiseau,sparrow en anglais),saffar(siffler,whistle).

glissade , glide , slip , trip

glissade , skid , glide , slithery , sleigh

glide , glissade , ice-skate , slip , ski , skate , skid , slither , slide

glissade , skidding , slither , sledge , slip , slide , sled , ski , sleigh , skid , bobsled , ice-skate , glide , gliding , skate

slip , slide , skidding , skate , skid , sled , slither , sledge , ski , bobsledding , ice-skate , glissade , glide , sleigh , trip

solidify , be or become iced , ice up , freeze , glaciate , frost , coagulate , congeal , ice

As you see we have also this possible ps/pie cognate seen in Arabic zalag/English sleigh and maybe also Arabic galad(ice)/English cold.

According to
proto ie root of English slide (as sleigh from sledge which in its turn is from slide)
*(s)lei- "slide"

le mot "glisser" français et "slide" anglais derivent de la meme racine proto irano-hittite slei(il ya metathesis[=inversion des consonnes]entre l'anglais sleigh&l'arabe zalq et le français glisser;tous signifiant glisser)

proto ie root of English cold
*gel-/*gol- ="cold"
Voila un autre exemple incluant apophonie et analyse mono-morphemique:

germanique cuman(de la racine proto indo-europeene *gwem)qui a le meme sens(non seuleuement dans une perspective lislakh mais aussi dans une perspective nettement plus restreinte germanique et west semitique respectivement)que le proto semitique et arabe quman avec "an" comme marque de l'infinitif lislakh(cad et indo-europeene et semitique).




cuman(venire)/come(il vient-present)/came(il est venu-passe)


quman(venire,avec le sens reel et non figure bedouinise de "qamt al ibilu"=les dromadaires se sont leves)/qum(il vient-present)/qam(il vient-passe)

he came/huwe qam

I come/aqum

1/The Yenisseian word for high is "denger" and the French linguist Arnaud Forunet connects this word with CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european *dluh₂gʰó- (h2 stands for a larynegeal such as the ones present in Arabic 7letter ح )
Hitt. dalugaes, Russ. долгий (dolgij), Lith. ilgas, Ltv. ilgs, Skr. दीर्घ (dīrghá), Av. darəga, Welsh dala, Lat. longus, Gaul. Loggostalētes, Pers. ������ (darga) / دراز (darāz, dirāz), Eng. lang/long; lencten/lent, Gm. lang/lang; lenzo/Lenz, ON langr, Goth. laggs, Alb. gjatë, Gk. δολιχός (dolikhos), Old Prussian ilgi, Ir. long/, OCS длъгъ (dlŭgŭ), Polish długi, Welsh dal, Kashmiri dūr
This could be an etymological explanation of the Turkic *tengri=god wich has not Altaic counterparts and explaining it with Turkic "tan"=morning does not look convincing for both semantic+phonological reasons as well as it being unable to explain the "gri"(in "tengri") phoneme wich besides all could not be Turkic nor Altaic since IT STARTS with 2 successive consonants.
So most likely the Turkic word tengri(god) was borrowed from an indo-european language (throughout Yenisseian who most likely took it from one of the earlier west Asian originated indo-european speaking advancing folk wich could be also be the source of the indo-european grammatical and lexical superstratum in Turkic and Mongolia) when proto Turkic was still in its homeland in eastern Siberia and it means "high"

2/A Libyc word for "throat" is "gardjum" wich looks very similar to indo-iranian word for throat "gurg"(with um could being explained either by the east Semitic nominative-definite suffix "um" or the proto indo-european accusative suffix "-m" possibly proto libyans took that word in the accusative/nominative form from an ie or semitic speaking folk)

3/A Libyc word for "to sit" is "shish" wich looks very similar to CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european *sed(to sit)
OCS сѣдѣти (sěděti), Russ. сидеть (sidet'), Polish siedzieć, Lat. sedeō, Lith. sėdėti, Ltv. sēdēt, Gaul. essedum, Eng. sittan/sit, Gm. sizzan/sitzen; sezzal/, ON sitja, Goth. sitan, Gk. ἕζομαι (hezomai)/, Ir. saidim/suidh, Welsh seddu, Skr. सीदति (sīdati), Av. nišaðayeiti, Pers. niyašayadan/nešastan, Arm. նիստ (nist), Old Prussian sīdons, Umbrian sersitu, Toch. sätk/

4/The Libyc word for 4 is "okkoz" very similar to CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european word for 8 *h₁oḱtō(u) (with h1 being a laryngeal perhaps close to the Arabic hamza 2 أ )
Please not that the CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european word for 8 was borrowed also to proto Kartvelian and similarly to Libyc the indo-european word for 8 was borrowed into Kartvelian to denote the number 4

1/The Kartvelian for 4 is "otxi" (4*2=8)

2/Note that Arabic for tall="tawil" can fit well into the list of the indo-european reflexes for CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european *dluh₂gʰó- (h2 stands for a larynegeal such as the ones present in Arabic 7letter ح )
Hitt. dalugaes, Russ. долгий (dolgij), Lith. ilgas, Ltv. ilgs, Skr. दीर्घ (dīrghá), Av. darəga, Welsh dala, Lat. longus, Gaul. Loggostalētes, Pers. ������ (darga) / دراز (darāz, dirāz), Eng. lang/long; lencten/lent, Gm. lang/lang; lenzo/Lenz, ON langr, Goth. laggs, Alb. gjatë, Gk. δολιχός (dolikhos), Old Prussian ilgi, Ir. long/, OCS длъгъ (dlŭgŭ), Polish długi, Welsh dal, Kashmiri dūr

3/Also one Arabic word for "to sit"=SaTh2 could also fit well into the list of the indo-european reflexes for CONSTRUCTED proto indo-european *sed(to sit)
OCS сѣдѣти (sěděti), Russ. сидеть (sidet'), Polish siedzieć, Lat. sedeō, Lith. sėdėti, Ltv. sēdēt, Gaul. essedum, Eng. sittan/sit, Gm. sizzan/sitzen; sezzal/, ON sitja, Goth. sitan, Gk. ἕζομαι (hezomai)/, Ir. saidim/suidh, Welsh seddu, Skr. सीदति (sīdati), Av. nišaðayeiti, Pers. niyašayadan/nešastan, Arm. նիստ (nist), Old Prussian sīdons, Umbrian sersitu, Toch. sätk/

4/What about the meanings of the Indo-European numerals:

one: The slavic form "yed(en)" looks very similar to Semitic "ah2ad" and could be an etymology for "god/khoda" as in Arabic one of the names of Allah is "al wah2id"=the lone.
Please note that there are 4 distinct stems for 1 in indo-european:
b/*prh2wo(first) and according to Blazek it's the source of the Turkic bir(1) throught east iranic
c/*h1oyno(one) similar with Libyc "wan"=1

two: Obviously two and twin are connected , this connection is present also in Semitic tn/sn=two and "twm"=twin(Arabic "tawam", Aramaic "toma" from wich the name "thomas") here too there is no plausible etymology and according to the linguist Blazek "the parallelism between semitic/afro-asiatic and indo-european is more than suggestive" since there is a striking similarity between Semitic dual ending "ay" and Indo-European dual ending "ow/oy"

three: The constructed proto indo-european form is very similar to Semitic one(Iraqi Arabic for 3 is "tleth" with "th"=theta as in English "thin" here again no convincing etymology does exist

four: The constructed proto indo-european *ketwores is most likely an innovation because it's not present in the Anatolian branch (where 4 is denoted by the word "meyu") and no convincing indo-european etymology is offered to this number both in Indo-European (kwe=and+trey=3) and in Semitic

five: It's obvious that the etymology is connected with "holding,seize by hand..."; note for example the similarity of "paw" and "five" and thus could be explained by a hypothethical non attested indo-european root "pank"?? meaning to hold analogously with Semitic where the word for five "khamsa" came from the root "kamas"="to seize, hold, grasp, catch"

six: No convincing plausible explanation has so far been advanced to explain the etymology of constructed proto indo-european *sweks; and the similarity with Semitic forms "*sidT" is striking(for example both Hebrew and Persian for 6 is "shesh")

seven: It's accpeted that indo-european for seven "septm" is "borrowed" from Semitic because it could not be explained by indo-european etymology nor it has an indo-european phonology while in Semitic "sabatum" it is explained by "sab"=index finger+"at"=feminine suffixe with incorporated "connective consonant t"+"u"=nominative marker suffix+"m"=definitiness marker suffix, this numerla was also borrowed to Hurric (shete) Finno-Ugric (sata) Turkic (seti) and Eruscan (semph)

eight: The most accepted theory is that it derives from proto indo-european h2ok=sharp but semantically it does not look convincing at all

nine: The most accepted theory is that it's derived from *new=new (with the explanation that 9 is
following/new to eight in an octasemal counting system) but it could be also explained by the 9 th day=day of the new moon or by the fact that pregnancy lasts 9 months=>newborn; note that pie *new could be connected with semitic *nawh3=to innovate;also it could be that in the deep past there was a different word for 9 in both Indo-European and Semitic but disappeared by tabooing it"to prevent the evil eye in an era characterized by frequent newborn deaths" as in Semitic too the word for 9 (tisa) also lacks a convincing etymology and is usally explained by t-as-ad=the-ten-one=ten minus one=9
Here below numerals from various and very distant languages (in red the "common numerals")

Basque numerals
1bat 2bi 3hiru 4lau 5bost 6sei 7zazpi 8zortzi 9bederatzi 10hamar

Hurrian ones
-- 2shin 3kig 4tumni -- -- 7shindia -- 9nizhi 10eman (the other numbers are not attested due to the writing of numbers in unreadable "cuneiform of numbers")

Etruscan numbers
1thu(n) 2zal 3ci 4huth 5mach 6sa 7semph 8cezp 9? 10zar

Finnish numbers
1yksi 2kaksi 3kolme 4neljä 5viisi 6kuusi 7seitsemän 8kahdeksan 9yhdeksän 10kymmenen

Kartvelian numbers (Georgian)
1erti 2ori 3sami 4otxi 5xuti 6ekvsi 7shvidi 8rva 9cxra 10ati

Ugric numbers (Mansi)
1akva 2katIg 3khurum 4nila 5at 6khot 7sat 8n'ololov 9ontolov 10lov

1pêr 2ik 3vis' 4tâvat 5pilêk 6ult 7s'ich 8sakâr 9tâkhâr 10vun

Egyptian numbers
1oye 2snaw 3kham 4fdaw 5daw 6sws 7shaf 8hamn 9pisd 10met 100shet

Libyc numbers
1wan 2sen [spirantization of Semitic "tn"=2?] 3krad 4okkoz 5smus[satemization of Semitic "kamsa"=5?] 6sas
7sab 8shmun 9tsu 10mar

Indo-European numbers
1sem/yed/h1oino/prw 2dwo 3trei 4kwetwor 5penkwe 6sueks 7septm 8h2okto 9h1newn/newn 10dekm(t) 100kmtom 1000gheslo

Semitic numbers
1ad 2sn/tn 3thle 4arb 5kams 6sidt 7sab 8samn 9tisa 10asar 100myt

There is no connection between Turkic 5/50 (5 is bis,50 is elli from Turkic el=hand),4/40 (4 is dort, 40 is kirk) ,2/20 (2 is eki, 20 is yermi) and according to Blazek
Turkic 5 (bis) is "borrowed" from an east Iranic language "panj"
Turkic per/bir (1) from an east iranic language (por=fore)
Turkic ekki (2) from an east iranic language (aykak=1+1)
Turkic tort(4) from east iranic (tshor=4)
Turkic setti (7) from an iranic/indo-european language before the s=>h (modern Persian "heft"=7) shift and ultimately from Semitic "sabatum"=7 from "sab"=index finger (as the 7 th finger)
As for the cognates in the list, many of them are personal suggestions but some of them are also accpeted by mainstream linguists;also please take into account: 1/10/100 numbers connections as well as n&n+1 and also n&n*2 and also 3 and 8 (both possibly connected with the 3 rd finger) etc...
Finally the number 1 (one) in Indo-Iranian could be "borrowed" from Finno-Ugric.

I think sabt for seven is nostratic/lislakh word that developped in the Natufian culture and the fact that it's common alongside with the word for star (ie haster afrasan athtr) means,according to Bomhard, that the number 7 (and also 6 wich is also shared by many languages)and the star were basic elements of the religion of the Natufians.

Back to the Turkic numbers, from Blazek:
either from Turkic "barmak"=finger either from constructed Indo-European perh2=front, first
has no Turkic nor Altaic etymology but an Iranian origin such as East Iranic Yaghnobi "iki iki" (one by one) or middle Persian "ekek"=one by one from Iranic "ayk/yak"=1
also no Turkic nor Altaic convincing etymology (there is utsh=tip)but east Iranian Soghdian "sti"=3, khwarezmian "sy"=3 (modern Persian "se"=3)
There is Mongol "dörben"=4 though without Turkic nor Altaic etymology; again there is an Iranian possibility old Persian "xturiya"=4, Avestan Iranic "turiia"=forth, "axtuirim"=4 times as well as there is a Tocharian possibility "stwer"=4
either with Turkic "bilek"=wrist or with constructed indo-european "penkwe"=5 but according to Benzing Turkic 5 is "borrowed" from east Iranic "pançak"=5 and Rona Tas proposes that Turkic alternative (and current/except Chuvash) form ie "besh" of 5 is "borrowed" from Tocharian B "pish"=5
again no clear etymology
again no clear etymology though Rona Tas proposes pre-Tocharian B "seute"=7
again no clear etymology
no clear etymology
similarity with Korean "on"=100 connected,perhaps, with Altaic "on"=to understand, to think; but it does not look convincing
20zegirbi,30ottur,40kirk=>lack of clear etymology
50ellig=>from Turkic "el"=hand
60,70,80,90 are connected with the forms for 6,7,8,9 and thus still lack clear etymology except,perhaps, 70 (and 7)
similarity with Korean "yerh"=10 and old Japonic "yoro"=10,000
Starostin&Dybo construct proto Altaic *jerV=big number (V stands for any vowel)
Finally here below the complete and correct set of the Hurric numerals(the source I took the hurric numerals seem unaware of the fact that many Hurric written clay tablets were[and are]being found and decipherated)

2shin(reminds Semitic,Egyptian& Libyc forms and also to some extent Indo-European forms)
4tumni(reminds Semitic,Egyptian&Libyc forms for 8=4*2;see the Kartvelian 4 being connected with Indo-European 8)
6shedze(reminds both Semitic,Egyptian,Libyc and Indo-European forms for 6)
7shindi(reminds both Semitic,Egyptian,Libyc and Indo-European forms for 7)
8kira(could be connected with kig=3 with the meaning of 3rd finger)
10eman(could be connected with Semitic 100 "myt" as well as Libyc&Egyptian for 10)