Re: Celtic *Flanda: 'heath, uncultivated land'

From: Tavi
Message: 69118
Date: 2012-03-30

--- In, "Tavi" <oalexandre@...> wrote:
> Celtic *nantu- 'valley, brook'
> Uralic *lamti 'low land'
> NEC *tts^HwemV 'liquid' (where s^ represents a voiceless lateral fricative)
Celtic is *nantu-/*nanto- and Uralic is *lamte 'low, lowland'.

On the other hand, the NEC protoform corresponds to a Vasco-Caucasian substrate root found in Latin la:ma 'puddle, swamp' as well as in toponymy, e.g. the Messapian river name Láme:tos (Bruttium), with a suffix much alike Celtic and Uralic.