From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 68933
Date: 2012-03-12
> Yet, I was not aware of the slavic reflex of the word thus I am reallyWhether something is "doubtless to be related" to something else is to
> interesed to know how is the slavic jazvrŭ to be explained since the
> word appears doubtless to be related to Romanian viezure and Albanian
> vjedhullë.
> Is this really a slavic compound of an IE-root or -how itThe Slavic word is *e^zvIcI (rather than *jazvIcI), related to *e^zva
> seems - is this a loan into Slavic from a protoform like *we3uru: ?
> If this is not a loan, then how is explained the "ja" at the begin of
> the word in Slavic?