Re: Octha or Ohta?

From: stlatos
Message: 68458
Date: 2012-01-31

--- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@> wrote:
> >
> > Is there an etymology for the name of Octha of Kent, Anglo-Saxo king during the  6th century?
> >
> > JS Lopes
> >
> Assuming Hengest and Horsa weren't real, but derived from a legend of the eq. of the Açvins, it's likely that Ebusa and Octa were eq. to Ibur and Aio / Aggo (sons of Gambaruc / etc.), meaning dark (one) and light (one). Since * axswyan+ > Aio / Aggo , it's possible that * axswyan+ > Octa through some process, possibly including reinterpretation or replacement after its source was forgotten (if the names weren't borrowed into OE from another Gmc legend).

If so, then Ibur and Aio are from the older names, w Hengest and Horsa formed after the meaning was forgotten (for their association w horses, like the Açvins). The older names remained but were given to figures sep. out as their sons (as happens freq. w multi-named divinities).

Since apparently Höðr and Loki, meaning dark (one) and light (one) (if eq. to höss = grey, logi (m), loga (f) = flame (and lusn = white spot in eye Arm;)), were confused later (older bad Höðr, good Loki > bad Loki over time in most surviving myths), it's also possible that *katw- > Höðr and *katwan- > *aktwan- > Octa (there's no ev./lack that a-w > aW-w and aW>a in recorded OE (if the names weren't borrowed into OE recently).