From: george knysh
Message: 68342
Date: 2012-01-02
--- On Mon, 1/2/12, Torsten <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
From: Torsten <tgpedersen@...>
Subject: [tied] Re: Romanized Bastarnians
Date: Monday, January 2, 2012, 4:04 PM
> I looked through Shchukin's text. He doesn't state explicitly how he has dated the Atmoni and Sidoni's last stand and flight from Sarmatians. My suspicion is that dating has been done by a coupling to Farzoy as the sole purveyor of violence around that time.
> ibd.
> '“Славянская” зарубинецкая культура спокойно существовала до середины I в. н.э., когда она была разрушена нашествием сарматов. Часть населения отошла на северо-восток и восток, часть - на запад, образовав на �'олыни, вместе с обитавшими уже здесь пшеворцами, зубрецкую группу памятников, исследованную за последние годы �".Н.Козаком (Козак 1991).'
> "The 'Slavic' Zarubintsy culture quietly existed until the middle of I century CE, when it was destroyed by the invasion of the Sarmatians. One part of the population moved away to the north-east and east, one part to the west, having formed in Volhynia, together with the settled already here Przeworskers, the Zubretskaya group of monuments, explored in recent years by D.N. Kozak (Kozak, 1991)."
> This sounds to me like a temporal lacuna being filled out. I better take a look at Kozak (1991)
One obstacle I will have to get out of the way if I want to place the flight of the Atmoni and Sidones in 88 BCE is the fact that Strabo mentions them as still existing in his
written not before 20 BCE.
However, Strabo himself mentions (7, 2, 4)
that information about the Bastarnae is hard to come by, and confusing/inconsistent. I suspect that the main source for 's
information on the Bastarnae was his teacher
a native of Amisus in Pontus, who was taken prisoner by Lucullus in 72 BCE and brought to Rome, where he worked as a teacher and librarian. His information about the Bastarnae would then be just 16 years younger than where I want to place the flight of the Atmoni and Sidones, a time not sufficiently long to convince an antiquarian-minded scholar like Tyrannion to write them off from history.
*****GK: If the Atmones and Sidoni fled in 88 BCE then how does one explain the fact that there is no archaeological evidence of any major departure from ANY "Bastarnian" area at thst time? I think you'll have to go to war no only with all archaeologists but with practically all historians and textologists. ******