Re: Hypsistarian Germani?

From: Torsten
Message: 68069
Date: 2011-09-24

> 3.3111 Y dav(e)nen, daven-Å¡ul.
> ****R
> This looks related to Hebrew dabar /davar/ "Word, to recite the Holy
> Word"
I think you're right!
The residual concern I might have had that you'd expect **davern vel sim. was dispelled by the pronunciation [dä:vä] in

It puzzled me at first that all these learned people (including Wexler, living in Tel Avív) hadn't thought of that, but on second thought it occurred to me that that might be because my interpretation was right, that 'daven' and 'daven-šul' had undergone a semantic development from "instruct" and "institution for instruction and proselytizing" to "pray" and "house of prayer". That would reflect a change in the institution itself, having to do with the beginning of Talmudic Judaism as a response to the Roman state starting to claim hangers-on, potential proselytes, for themselves by making Christianity part of the state.

> Tat, as I understand was the Iranian substrate of Azerbaijani and is
> spoken as a relic in mountainous regions of Iranian Azerbaijan and
> the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as neighboring regions where
> Azeribaijani is also spoken. Tat is also spoken by Muslim and small
> Christian communities in those area. I've met Tat'speaing Christians
> from Iran --next door neighbors.
> Azeribaijani is close to Ottoman Turkish but how close is it to
> Khazari?
There seems to be some dispute over whether Khazari is
or Shaz-turkic.

> Added support for an Asian origin for dav(e)nen comes from the Eastern Yiddish expression daven-šul 'synagogue', literally 'pray' + 'synagogue'; šul is derived from Judeo-Romance, 
> ****R shul is German Schule, which is from Greek via Latin, right?

Right. Cf. Dutch 'school' [sxo:l], with sx- corresponding to the Greek word.
