--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Torsten" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> Strabo Geographica 7.1.13
> http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Strabo/7C*.html
> 'In the interior
****GK: This seems to suggest the area north of the "Desert of the Getae"****
dwell, first, those Bastarnians whose country borders on that of the Tyregetans and Germans ��"
****GK: So they are in between? P/L + Zar.****
they also being, one might say, of Germanic stock; and they are divided up into several tribes, for a part of them are called Atmoni and Sidoni,
****GK: Unclear if this would only be P/L or only Zar. or P\L + Zar. Archaeology notes at least three distinct groupings in each area...= 6 in all, perhaps there were more...*****
while those who took possession of Peuce, the island in the Ister, are called "Peucini,"
****GK: Of course he had already mentioned the Peucini in connection with the Danube delta (7,3,15)****