Re: Schoeffe I

From: Alx
Message: 67425
Date: 2011-04-29

--- In, "t0lgsoo1" <guestuser.0x9357@...> wrote:
> PS: Dierna, Tierna, Tsierna vs. Cerna:
> Man muß hier daran erinnern, daß es im Dakischen schon
> ein Wort gibt, daß sicher mit Cerna ins Slawische übersetzt
> wurde, nämlich Axi- in Axiopa, das slawisch Cernavoda heißt.>>

that appears to sustains some other linguistcs aspects. So far I can corelate I think the name of the "Jiu" in Romanian can be derived just from an ancient "axio" which generated "*ashiu">ajiu> jiu and whih meant "the black (river).The name should have mean something as "black, drity" and the idea is sustained by words as "jeg" (dirt) in Romanian and "zi/ze(black)" in Albanian yet I stil don't know if it is related to PGmbc *asko, Ind. *asa from PIE *H@... (Asche, Latin aridus, etc...), there is much more to search about.
