From: Torsten
Message: 67251
Date: 2011-03-18
> > And a bit earlier, Denmark lostFound it
> > some areas to Germany (perhaps it resented
> > losing Hannover as well).
> We have never had Hannover, and nobody here resented losing German-
> speaking Holstein, other than perhaps the royal family. What they
> did resent was losing the once completely, then partially Danish-
> speaking Schleswig, to the degree the Kaiser Wilhelm was getting the
> cold shoulder at
> whenever the family (
> had managed to marry off one daughter
> to the king of England and another
> to the tsar of Russia) met there every summer, because the Germans
> were attempting to eindeutschen the Danes in Schleswig, which didn't
> happen, to the consternation of the Germans, since they believed the
> Danes would happily accept becoming Germans (there was a famous
> cartoon in a satirical magaziene here then: Kaiser Wilhelm had sent
> a telegram to the Royal family after having been to Fredensborg, to
> the effect that he felt as a 'Sohn des Hauses'; the cartoon, with
> the caption 'En Søn af Huset', was of the Kaiser sitting like a kid,
> and dressed as such, with his familiar Schnurrbart, at the foot of
> the throne, in a sort of arranged family tableau in the style of the
> time). I suspect Gustaff Kossinna's idea of picking Demmark as the
> home of all Germanic peoples came from some desire to placate the
> Danes, it doesn't fit the linguistic and archaeological facts.