Timeline, newest version

From: Torsten
Message: 67060
Date: 2011-01-09

Newest version of my timeline, in case it interests someone:

I made up my own history on what really happened then.
The facts in [[double brackets]] are my own.
Please criticize!


[[Olthaces (Vərəθragna) = Olcaba = Wod-in- = Ariovistus = Harigasti]]

Traditional timeline


106 BC
Pompey is born

100 BC
Caesar is born

89 BC
Two Roman legions and Nicomedes' Bithynian forces attack Mithridates

Mithridates sends ambassadors to the Cimbri, the Gallograecians, the Sarmatians, and the Bastarnians, to request aid,
(Justinus: Epitome of Pompeius Trogus' "Philippic histories" 38.3.6)
'4 Nicomedes, too, dying at the same time, his son, who was also named Nicomedes,
was driven from his dominions by Mithridates, and, having gone as a suppliant to Rome, it was decreed by the senate that "both the kings should be restored to their thrones;" and Aquilius and Manlius Maltinus (L. Manlius?)
were commissioned to see the decree executed.
5 On being informed of this proceeding, Mithridates formed an alliance with Tigranes,
with a resolution at once to go to war with the Romans; and they agreed that the cities and territory that should be taken from the enemy should be the share of Mithridates, and that the prisoners, and all booty that could be carried off, should belong to Tigranes.
6 In the next place, well understanding what a war be was provoking, he sent ambassadors to the Cimbri, the Gallograecians, the Sarmatians, and the Bastarnians, to request aid;
7 for all the time that he had been meditating war with the Romans, he had been gaining over all these nations by acts of kindness and liberality. He sent also for an army from Scythia, and armed the whole eastern world against the Romans.'

88 BC
the Sarmatian and Bastarnian wars restrained Mithridates
[Mithridates] has allies also ready to obey his every command, Scythians, Taurians, Bastarnae, Thracians, Sarmatians,
and all those who dwell in the region of the Don and Danube and the Sea of Azov. Tigranes of Armenia is his son-in-law and the Arsacid king of Parthia is his ally.

On the Fortune of the Romans, 11

'the Sarmatian and Bastarnian wars restrained Mithridates during the time when the Marsian war was blazing up against Rome', ie. 91 - 88 BCE
which seems to suggest that Mithridates had to wage war on the Sarmatians and Bastarnians at some time in 91 - 88 BCE in order to make them join him.

Mithridates massacres 80,000 Romans

Beginning of First Mithridatic War ( - 86 BC)

86 BC
End of First Mithridatic War

83 BC
Beginning of Second Mithridatic War (- 81 BC)

82 BC
Caesar moves to Asia to avoid persecution by Sulla, serving under Marcus Minucius Thermus in Asia and Servilius Isauricus in Cilicia.
Goes on mission to Bithynia.
[[Caesar meets the Dardanian prince Olthaces ( = Vərəþragna, Wardana) in Bithynia, tells him, he is worried that Lucullus would behave similarly to Sulla when he returns to Rome, persuades Olthaces to try to assassinate Lucullus)]]
Burebista takes over power in Dacia

Jordanes, Getica XI (67)
(written approx. 551 CE)
'Then when Buruista
was king of the Goths, Dicineus
came to Gothia at the time when Sulla [consul first time 88 BCE - retired 81 BCE] ruled the Romans. Buruista received Dicineus and gave him almost royal power. It was by his advice the Goths ravaged the lands of the Germans, which the Franks now possess.'

Which means the Dacians may have passed on Germanic POWs as slaves to whoever wanted to buy them (pirates). Selling your neighbour as usual would not have been something Burebista would want to promote.

This might be where the Germani in Spartacus' army came from. In the
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Mithridatic_War (88 - 84 BCE)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Mithridatic_War (83 - 81 BCE)
the slave port of
in the
would have been inaccessible to the Romans, and the Latin colonization of devastated formerly hostile Italic territory after the
would have demanded the acquisition of slaves in large numbers

81 BC
End of Second Mithridatic War
Sulla resigns

80 BC
Caesar returns to Rome

To sum up:
According to historical sources:
1) The Cimbri existed as a unified force, presumably (where else?) in Przeworsk-land, in appr. 88 BCE
2) The Bastarnae existed as a unified force, presumably in Poieneşti-Lukaševka-land at the same time.
3) The Bastarnae existed as a unified force, presumably in Poieneşti-Lukaševka-land in 75 BCE (called the bravest of all; some recent exploit?).
4) No mention of the former ally, the Cimbri, in 75 BCE or at any later point, which means they either left the alliance or ceased to exist.
5) The Bastarnae existed outside of Poieneşti-Lukaševka-land in 74 BCE ie. at some time in 88 BCE - 74 BCE Burebista drives the Bastarnae north into Cimbri Przeworsk-land (and some south?, Peucíni?)

75 BC
Caesar is kidnapped by Cilician pirates

Caesar has the pirates crucified, in spite of the wish of his superior to sell them as slaves.

Appian: History of Rome: The Mithridatic Wars §69
'From Europe he drew of the Sarmatian tribes, both the Basilidae and the Iazyges, the Coralli, and those Thracians who dwelt along the Danube and on the Rhodope and Haemus mountains, and besides these the Bastarnae, the bravest nation of all. Altogether Mithridates recruited a fighting force of about 140,000 foot and 16,000 horse. A great crowd of road-makers, baggage carriers, and sutlers followed.'

74 BC
The Bastarnae ally was active in the siege of Chalcedon, 74 BCE
Appian: History of Rome: The Mithridatic Wars §71
'The Romans from all directions flocked to Cotta at Chalcedon. ... The Roman loss was about 3,000, including Lucius Manlius, a man of senatorial rank. Mithridates lost twenty of his Bastarnae, who were the first to break into the harbor.'
Memnon: History of Heracleia 27, 7
'The navies of Rome and Pontus met in battle by the city of Chalcedon, and a battle also broke out on land between the king's army and the Romans; the generals of the two sides were Mithridates and Cotta. In the land battle the Bastarnae routed the Italians, and slaughtered many of them. There was a similar outcome in the naval battle, and on one and the same day the land and sea were covered with the bodies of dead Romans. In the naval battle 8,000 men were killed and 4,500 were captured; in the land battle 5,300 of the Italians were killed, and out of Mithridates' army about 30 Bastarnae, and 700 others. Everyone was cowed by this success of Mithridates.'

73 BC
Beginning of the Uprising of Spartacus

73 BC
Beginning of Third Mithridatic War (- 63 BC)

Lucullus arrives in Athens

72 BC
Olthaces (= Olcaba) tries to obtain interview with Lucullus
[[to assassinate him]]
but gives up and flees to Mithridates VI
http://www.livius.org/ap-ark/appian/appian_mithridatic_16.html §79

71 BC

End of Uprising of Spartacus

70 BC
Mithridates flees to Armenia.
Lucullus demands for him to be handed over

68 BC

Caesar quaestor
Caesar goes to Hispania as quaestor under Antistius Vetus

67 BC

Caesar marries Pompeia

Lex Gabinia gives Pompeius a mandate to clear the Mediterranean of pirates.

66 BC

65 BC
Caesar was elected curule aedile and spent lavishly on games to win popular
large loans from Crassus made these expenditures possible.
First Catilinarian conspiracy

64 BC

63 BC

Mithridates VI plans invading Italy

[[Mithridates VI gives Olthaces the task of invading Italy.

Olthaces as leader (*wod-in-) of an army (*wod-) invades Przeworsk by 'Schlieffen plan' going around Burebista's Dacia]]

Mithridates VI commits suicide

End of Third Mithridatic War
[[Olthaces, the wod-in- in Przeworsk, must give up attempt for 'Schlieffen plan' against Italy and reconsider his options]]

Second Catilinarian conspiracy,
Caesar and Crassus dump Catilina.
[[because Olthaces' project is on hold after Mithridates' death]]
Cicero denounces Catilina
[[because the Allobroges have blown the cover on the conspiracy by going to the authorities]]
note esp. §42
Cato accuses Caesar of complicity.
The witness Lucius Tarquinius accuses Crassus of complicity.
Crassus tells Cicero of incriminating letters sent to him of a plot
[[in other words, Crassus was in on the plan]]

Caesar goes to Further Spain as propraetor

September 30th
Pompey's third triumph, after victories in the Mithridates war,
Olthaces is led in it, not killed afterwards
http://www.livius.org/ap-ark/appian/appian_mithridatic_24.html §117


Burebista attacks and vanquishes the Celtic tribes of Boii and Taurisci
[[Olthaces is stuck and has to evade Burebista through Przeworsk]]

Caesar returns from Spain

[[Through Marcus Mettius
Caesar conspires with Olthaces about him providing cavalry for the invasion of Italy, gives him his sister Julia in marriage
with Agri Decumates
(Kadłubek: Bavaria) as dowry. Caesar gets Crassus to send gold for equipping Olthaces' army for a campaign towards the Helvetians in the Agri Decumates north of the Alps. Mettius delivers the gold.]]

Pompey dissolves his army.

[[Since the threat of Pompey's army is gone]]

First triumvirate. Caesar gives Pompey daughter Julia in marriage

[[The triumvirate tells Olthaces all deals are off. Instead Olthaces/Ariovistus
1) marches to and goes to war against the Helvetians in the Agri Decumates, driving them all the way to Switzerland
2) marries the sister of Voccio, the king of Noricum, gets Norican swords
3) makes deal with Arverni and Sequani to help them against the Aedui.
Now the conspiring triumvirate has a problem which must be solved, and fast.]]

59 BC
Caesar consul

Lily Ross Taylor
On the Chronology of Caesar's First Consulship
The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 72, No. 3 (1951), pp. 254-268

January 1 or 2.
Caesar, presiding in the senate, proposed the first lex agraria. The law was apparently discussed at subsequent senatorial meetings which could have been held on January 5-6, 9-11, and 13-15. Before the law was voted on, certainly one and perhaps several contiones were called to present the bill to the people.

January 25-27.
Comitial days following a trinum nundinum when the law could be voted on.
Bibulus reported an omen and, with the aid of three tribunes, attempted a veto.

January 28.
A veto was prevented by force, and the law was passed.

January 29.
Bibulus protested in the senate and then went home to shut himself up in his house until the last day of the year.

February, beginning.
The senators took oath to support the land law.

February to March.
Commissioners were elected to administer the land law. Vatinius passed a series of laws on kingdoms and principalities. After these had been voted on, he passed a law on challenging jurors, which had been promulgated at the beginning of his term.

March 1 to April 3.
Caesar proposed and passed the lex de rege Alexandrino and the lex de publicanis. As pontifex maximus, Caesar passed the curiate law transferring Clodius to the plebs.

January - April
Metellus Celer dies, as he was setting out for his province, Gallia Transalpina

May 1.
Caesar proposed the lex Campana; it was probably voted on by the end of the month. About the same time he proposed and passed the law ratifying Pompey's acta.

About May 2-3.
The marriage of Pompey and Julia. The marriage of Caesar and Calpurnia took place about the same time.

May, after the beginning.
Vatinius proposed the lex de imperio Caesaris [by which Caesar is given the provinces of Illyricum and Gallia Cisalpina]. It was probably not voted on until early June.

58 BC

Battle of Bibracte, Caesar defeats the Helvetii

Battle of Vosges, Caesar defeats Ariovistus [[= Olthaces]]
Ariovistus [[= Olthaces]] escapes.
[[Ariovistus (= Olthaces) stays in Magré, develops Runic alphabet on three staves.]]
[[Ariovistus (= Olthaces) returns to his brother-in-law Voccio]]

55 BC
Burebista begins conquest of the Black Seashore, subjugating the Greek fortresses from Olbia to Apollonia, as well as the Danubian Plain all the way to the Balkans.
Harigasti's helmet is deposited [[by Harigasti himself = Olthaces/Ariovistus]], bearing his name [[in his own alphabet]], and so are those of his priestly college [[before they all go to war with Burebista]]

48 BC Caesar
Burebista sides with Pompey against Caesar in the civil war, sending Akornion as ambassador and military advisor
Pompey is murdered

44 BC

Burebista is murdered

Caesar is murdered


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