Greek theos x Armenian dik' x Greek fanum - PIE dHeh1s- ?

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 66361
Date: 2010-07-23

Greek <theos> "god", cf. <theos-phatos> "god-spoken", Mycenian <te-o>, <
*tHehos; akin to Armenian <dik'> "gods" <*dHe:ses; Thracian Desa-/Disa-/Diza-;
Oscan <fiisnu> "temple", Latin <fa:num> "temple", <fe:ria> "holiday", <fe:stus
Greek word <theos> implies a proto-form *theHos, maybe from *tH&sos, what would
sugest an older *thahos, with anallogical -e- (after e:).
What would be the original meaning of this word and root *dHeh1s-/dHh1s-? A
derivative of *dheh1- "to put, to place", with a hypothetical *dHeh1os,

JS Lopes