Re: New way of getting Goth-

From: t0lgs001
Message: 66264
Date: 2010-07-06

[thank you for the links.]

>Olthaces (Vərəθragna) = Olcaba = Wod-in- = Ariovistus = Harigasti

Is it a certainty that Harigasti means Ariovistus? The "Slovenian"
helmet seems to be older and Italic.

>The involvement of the first two in the equation is speculative, but I >think the last three hold water.

Hm, Odin/Uuodan... "the wet one"?

>Note the many Odin's 'wild hunt' legends in Germany, which would
>then be reminiscences of Ariovistus campaign in the old Helvetian

But wasn't that guy too recent (and not too "famous") in order to
become a supreme deity to all Germanic peoples? (If there had
been some unknown "profet" 1-2 thousand years earlier in the
"Ases" lands, some, say, Scythian or Tocharian or "Altaic" one...,
but Ariovist is almost as recent as Arminius. BTW, was Arminius
also a NWBlocker? cf. Kuhn-Cherusker-"-sk"-NWB.)

>>AFAIK, Langobards belonged to the Suebian group.

''Die Langobarden (auch Winniler) waren ein Teilstamm der Sueben,
eng mit den Semnonen verwandt, und damit ein elbgermanischer
Stamm, der ursprünglich an der unteren Elbe siedelte.''

>No, they were Veneti. Both Vandals and Winnili would have been
>Kuhn pointed out several *Wend- names in *western* Germany, where
>they weren't supposed to be (approx Niedersachsen

But isnt' Veneti a "Gummibegriff" as well? Some were Kelts, others
were perhaps Illyrians, and those more recent Wenden/Wünschen
are all of slavic origin (from Eastern provinces of the Holy Roman
Empire of German Nation). (cf. the famous Austrian noble clan
Windisch-Graetz from Slovenj Gradec)

On the other hand, Lübeck and Markt-Redwitz are also Slavic
toponyms, and they aren't in Pommerania, Saxonia, Boemia,
Burgenland or Carinthia. :-)

>and Westphalia

Dat weess ik (zumal als Bundesbürger :)).


Hehe, a further group of "Walachians". (But, anyway, Welschen
are usually people speaking a Romance language, "walhisk", also
known as Vaalser, Walser, Walliser, Walchen, Blocher/-en,
Wallonen etc.)


Today's Lusatians = die Wenden/Winden = die Sorben (in their
Slavic idiom: serbshtchina; an idiom that - I suppose - can be
understood by a Pole and by a Czech). Now if they are Slavicized
Vandals or Veneti, I don't know.


PS: Olcaba looks like a genuine Cuman and Petcheneg name
(with the typical -aba/-oba/-opa suffix). Those Turkic groups
also had Scythian ancestry (Cumans were called Kyptchaks,
i.e. "red Scythians", Middle Iranian kip "red; southern" &
chak "Saka" = Scythian). Was Olcaba/Olthaces a local (Adjar?)
guy or one of Sarmatian extraction?