From: Octavià Alexandre
Message: 66113
Date: 2010-05-03
--- In, "Cuadrado"
<dicoceltique@...> wrote:
>to topic Marko = Horse
> Hello i would like to come back
>* Romanian Murg- = Horse
> * Celtic/Germanic Marko- = Horse
> * Romanian Magar = Donkey and Serbo-CroatianMagarac = Donkey =
> Metathesis Magar->Makar>Mark- ?Bulgarian MARAPE (cyrillic caracters) = Donkey
> *
> * Sanskrit Marga/Mrga =Kinf of antilope and Markata = Spider/Monkey
> * Baltic Marg-/=
> * Turkish Merkep = Donkey/Horseasiatic
> Mandchou Morin = HorseMal = Horse
> Japan Ma = Horse
> Corean
> Chinese Ma = HorseHorse
> Tibetan = Mrah =
>--- In, "Arnaud Fournet" <fournet.arnaud@...> wrote:
>is borrowed from *mor- and suffixed PIE-way, like por-kos.
> obviously *marko in PIE
> The change o > a suggests Germanic can be the intermediate between Central Asia andCeltic.
IMHO, *marko- 'horse' (hardly a PIE word) isn't a Wanderwort from Altaic *mor- 'horse' as in communis opinio but an old (Mesolithic/Upper Paleolithic) substrate item related to Altaic *n^argu 'young male deer/elk'. I call "Paleo-European" the substrate language(s) from which originated this kind of LW.
Apparently, Paleo-Eurasian (my own version of Russian
school's Eurasiatic) initials nasal *n-, *n^- were labialized
in Paleo-European as *m- before back vowels
/o,u/ (sometimes also before /a/), as in
*moro- 'blackberry' ~ Altaic *nur^i- 'a k. of
berry, grape' (cfr. Hittite muri- '(bunch of) grapes'), and
denasalized as *d- elsewhere, as in Latin da:m(m)a
'fallow deer' ~ Altaic *n^àme 'goat, deer'.