FOXP2 Regulation during Undirected Singing in Adult Songbirds

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 65386
Date: 2009-11-09

FoxP2 Regulation during Undirected Singing in Adult Songbirds

"Together, our data strongly suggest that FoxP2 is regulated
in a social-context-dependent manner.
Our discovery of differential, on-line regulation of FoxP2 in
the adult by two acoustically similar yet socially distinct vocal
behaviors suggests roles for FoxP2 that extend beyond the development
and simple use of vocal control circuitry."

If similar: Human FOXP2 coveres big 2 fuctionalities:
a) a developmental one -> trigerring the building of some neuronal circuits dedicated to the speech activity
b) an on-line regulation factor in adult -> trigerring/repressing different neuronal circuits related to speech (also "in a social-context-dependent manner")